NTU Career Tracks 2025

Top Five Essential Skills for Employees in an AI-Powered Future

Survey question: Some believe that it is likely that artificial intelligence (AI) will usher in a new era of technological advancements. Which of the following skills do you think will be most essential for your employees to learn to evolve with these potential changes?

Source: Microsoft, Work Trend Index report, 2023.

Source: New Study Reveals Only 1 in 10 Global Workers Have In-Demand AI Skills. Salesforce.

Singapore Employers’ Top 10 Reskilling Skill Focus

Singapore has been working with AI since years back. The public service sector started using chatbots with Microsoft in 2016. Today, the use of AI is increasingly adopted in many of Singapore’s key industries such as education, healthcare, and manufacturing. It is no wonder more than half of the organisations surveyed by the World Economic Forum cite AI and Big Data as a key focus of their upskilling and reskilling efforts in the next five years. Other than AI and Big Data, many of the top skills are soft skills such as Creative Thinking and Curiosity.

Survey question: Keeping in mind your current strategic direction, please select the skill clusters on which you are focusing your organisation’s reskilling and upskilling efforts in the next five years.

Source: Future of Jobs Report. World Economic Forum.